Can the Devil turn into different things?
Satan is a very powerful being and should never be underestimated at any time. The Bible states that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Satan does have the power to change his figure to look different; often times so he can appear as a messenger from God instead of God’s adversary. In Genesis 3 we see Satan referred to as the serpent, which causes many people to think that Satan took on the form of a snake to speak to Eve. However, this was not so. The title of serpent is just one of the many names given to Satan by the scriptures (Devil, Satan, Serpent, Dragon [Revelation 20:2]; Leviathan [Isaiah 27:1]) and does not indicate that he transformed into a snake to do this. Satan has the power to deceive and will change himself into whatever he must in order to do so (2 Thessalonians 2:9).