
Creation Seminars

Creation vs. Evolution

It’s all about authority and who you are going to listen to. We will look into the philosophies of following a creationist worldview and a evolutionist worldview. We will show how allowing God’s Word to be our final authority on all matters is essential and how we do not need to compromise God’s Word with man’s ideas.

A Big Bang or a Big God?

How did the universe and all that’s in it get here? Evolutionists would say it is through the Big Bang model and have gone to great lengths to try to convince everyone that it actually works. However, there are many problems with this scientific theory. We will explore these problems using scientific observations we have today, and explain why this model is contrary to the Bible.

The Age of the Earth

Evolutionists claim the earth is 4 billion years old, but how old is it really according to God’s Word? We will look at the evidence provided by evolutionists on the age of the earth and show how this evidence does not line up with the scientific observations we have today. We will also show, in various ways, how the earth is only about 6000 years old and how this lines up with the Bible.

Man or Ape?

Did mankind evolve from primates, sharing a common ancestor with the apes of today, or were we specially created by a loving God that wants a relationship with us. We will explore the possibility of human evolution, looking at the evidence provided, and showing the errors and biases of the evolutionists. We will also trace humanity through genetics and show how interconnected we as a human race truly are, and why we all look different.

The Beginning of Life

Did we come from a primordial ooze, or were we specially created by a loving God? We will answer this question and more as we look into evolutionists claims of how life emerged and evolved on the earth. We will show the impossibility of life spontaneously forming, as well as, the impossibility to move genetically from one kind or animal to another, all while upholding God’s Word about His creation.

Dinosaurs and God’s Word

Are dinosaurs real? Did they really roam the earth millions of years ago? Or did people walk with dinosaurs? We will explore God’s Word to see when He made the dinosaurs and show that people indeed were around at the same time. We will also look at what happened to the dinosaurs and how their existence was only in the last 6000 years and not millions of years ago.

Picture Credit: Creation Museum Display, 2015

Biblical History Seminars

The Flood

Did a massive, global flood really occur on the earth? There is much scientific and historical evidence to support it! We will look into the evidence to show scientifically that the earth did undergo a major change and suffered a worldwide flood. We will also look at historical accounts to show flood stories from all over the world and debunk the skeptics arguments against this event.

Jesus in History

Was Jesus a real, historical person or was He a myth, created during the Middle Ages? We will explore the evidence for the historical Jesus and show He indeed lived on this earth. We will use the Bible, archaeology, and historical records to investigate Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection. We will also look into the claims of many atheists who try to claim Jesus was a myth and debunk these claims using historical facts.

Biblical Archaeology: The Pentateuch

Is there any archaeological evidence to support the events of the Bible? Many secular archaeologists would say no, but if one looks through a Biblical lens, then the evidence is there! We will explore some of the evidences that show how the Bible is historically accurate by doing a deep dive into the first 5 books of the Bible. We will look at the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the events surrounding the Exodus, and much more.

Biblical Archaeology: Kingdom Periods

Is there any archaeological evidence to support the events of the Bible? Many secular archaeologists would say no, but if one looks through a Biblical lens, then the evidence is there! We will explore some of the evidences that show how the Bible is historically accurate by doing a deep dive into monarchies of Israel. We will look at evidence for Kings David, Solomon, Hezekiah, and many others.

Biblical Archaeology: Conquest and Judges

Is there any archaeological evidence to support the events of the Bible? Many secular archaeologists would say no, but if one looks through a Biblical lens, then the evidence is there! We will explore some of the evidences that show how the Bible is historically accurate by doing a deep dive into the conquest and judges period. We will look at the Battle of Jericho, spread of Israel, and certain events in Judges that confirm the Bible’s accounts of these events are correct.

Biblical Archaeology: New Testament

Is there any archaeological evidence to support the events of the Bible? Many secular archaeologists would say no, but if one looks through a Biblical lens, then the evidence is there! We will explore some of the evidences that show how the Bible is historically accurate by doing a deep dive into the events of the Gospels and Acts. We will look at various evidences supporting Jesus’ life, the disciples, and events in Acts.

Picture Credit: Nika Benedictova, via Upsplash, 2023

Biblical Text Seminars

Manuscript Evidence: The Old Testament

Is the Old Testament we have today what Moses and the other prophets wrote centuries ago? We will look at manuscript evidences to show that the Bible is accurate, reliable, and infallible. We will look at evidence for Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, debunk the documentary hypothesis, and discuss some of the earliest manuscripts for the Old Testament that are available today, including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Manuscript Evidence: The New Testament

Is the New Testament we have today what Paul, Luke, John and others truly wrote centuries ago? We will look at manuscript evidence to show that the Bible is accurate, reliable, and infallible. We will look at dates of composition, available manuscripts from the early church (including early Bibles and writings of early Christians), and manuscript families that are used today.

Translations of the Bible

Are all Bibles the same or are there distinct, doctrinal differences between them? We will use manuscript evidence to determine what manuscript texts are used by various Bible versions and which modern versions provide the best preserved text. We will also look at the translation of the Bible into the English language throughout the centuries and also compare modern versions to see if things that are different are the same or not.

Problem Texts

Are there contradictions in the Bible? Many secularists would have you think so. But here we look into problem texts to debunk these so-called contradictions that are regularly brought up. By the time we are done, we will see the Bible is truly inerrant, accurate, reliable, and infallible.

Cults and False Religions Seminars

In this section of seminars we will look into various cults and false religions so we can understand how to witness to these groups. We will look at cults that claim to be branches of Christianity, as well as popular religions throughout the world. We will discuss their history, beliefs, and how to best witness to members of these groups. The following are the different cults and religions that covered. Note: Only one cult or religion will be covered per seminar due to the complexity and detail needed to cover the topic fairly and accurately.

  • Islam

  • Hinduism

  • Buddhism

  • Zoroastrianism

  • Scientology

  • Freemasons

  • Mormonism

  • Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Christian Scientists

Photo Credit: MARCIN CZERNIAWSKI, via Upsplash, 2023

Bible Doctrine Seminars


This is an in depth look as to what happens to the believer upon salvation. We will look into the definition of salvation, what we are saved from, and the many things that happen to us once we are saved. We will also deal with topics of relationship and fellowship, justification, sanctification, adoption, and much more.


Has God always dealt with people in the exact same way, or has He changed His methods based on new revelations He gives and human experience? We will see how God’s Word divides human history into different dispensations, all the while showing how faith has always been the requirement for salvation (Hebrews 11:6). Note: This seminar is a 4-day event due to the amount of information on the topic.

Philosophy or Godly Wisdom

Can we rely on our own wisdom to understand life, eternity, and other critical questions of existence? We will explore many of the concepts of man’s search for wisdom and compare it to the wisdom found in God’s Word, showing that the wisdom of God far exceeds that of mankind.

Photo Credit: Patrick Fore, via Upsplash, 2023

False Doctrines

There are many false teachings that have made their way into the Church. But are these new? We will see how many false doctrines have been around since the beginning of Christianity, who came up with them, and how to refute them using God’s Word.

Schedule a Seminar

To schedule a seminar, please fill out the information below including which seminar you would like to be presented and the dates you would like. Please remember dates should be Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Times for Thursday and Friday will be 6-8 pm, but Saturday is negotiable. Each day consists of 2 hours with a short break between; the third day will also include an extra 30 minute interval for a question and answer section.

Dispensations Seminar: This seminar is 4 days as opposed to the standard 3. That means that Sunday will be included for this seminar and preference would be Sunday morning service.

Cost: For now, this will be discussed through email and contact and may be subject to distance traveled.

Note: all dates must be a month in advance, otherwise consideration may not be given. During the period from August through May travel restrictions apply and I will not be able to travel more than 50 miles one way during this time.