Who We Are

My name is Kevin House and I am the Assistant Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Hayti, MO.  I have been saved since the age of 10 and have been active in church, Bible study, and continual learning since then. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible from Dyersburg Bible Institute in Dyersburg, TN and a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. I am currently pursuing a Masters of Arts degree in Ancient Religions from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Right after high school, I began having a crisis of faith. While in a local community college (because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that point!) I was presented with many things that conflicted with what I was taught in my church. I trusted the Bible to be God’s Word, but what I was learning, especially in my history classes, was not lining up with it. Being bombarded with evolution within a secular history, I started to doubt my faith. However, I began studying things out. I looked at what the college was saying and also looked to see if anyone had any answers to these problems. It did not take long for the Lord to guide me to a lecture series from Kent Hovind and, eventually, Answers in Genesis. All my concerns were met in a logical, rational fashion and I was provided answers to my many questions. Some will say, “You were just looking for proof for what you believe, and you found it. You didn’t seriously look at the evidence.” To which I reply, I did seriously look at the evidence. I own and have read many secular books about evolution and attacks against Christianity. I believe it is important to truly consider all sides of an argument with an open mind, and then when all the data is collected, determine who has the better argument. In this case, the apologists I watched and read gave more sufficient arguments and made more logical sense. It is because of this that I have decided to share the things that I have learned and help others to grow their faith and have their questions answered in a reasonable and non-judgmental way. I stand on the Bible because I know and truly believe that it is the Word of God.

 My name is Kalli House I've been a Christian since I was 9 years old. I enjoy reading, writing and being outdoors. I have my Bachelor's in Education from Western Governor's University and my Master's in Psychology from Capella University. I have been writing devotionals for 16 years, and have spent many hours in study and recollection over each scripture. I've overcome a lot in my life through God's help and the love and support of my family. I look forward to how God is going to use me each day.