How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?

Many times, people imagine Noah’s Ark looking something like a children’s cartoon with animals sprawling all over the place.  However, this is not Biblically or logically accurate.  In Genesis 6:15 we are told the ark is 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high; this would be 437 feet by 72.92, by 43.75.  The ark would have had 1.396 million cubic feet, held 13,960 tons, and could fit 125, 280 sheep sized animals on it.  Considering that Noah just took land animals and birds (no marine life or bugs), and that they were probably young animals then that would constitute at least 1900 animals on the ark (not counting for 7 clean because we do not know what was considered clean at that time in the Bible).   There was plenty of room on the ark.


What did Noah’s ark look like?


Where did all the water of the flood come from and go?