Where did all the water of the flood come from and go?

The water that caused the flood of Noah came from beneath the ground (Genesis 7:11).  Water shot up out of the ground so high that it came back down as rain, and later snow.  The rain lasted for 40 days and nights, but the water still came up from the ground for 150 days (Genesis 7:24-8:3).  After the water was stopped God caused a wind to blow across the earth to evaporate the water (Genesis 8:1).  God also caused the earth’s crust to drop into valleys and raised up to form mountains; this is the ocean basins and continents we have today (Psalm 104:5-9).  We still have the water from the flood here on the earth today in the oceans as a reminder of God’s judgment.


How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?


How did Noah get all of the animals into the ark?