Do creation scientists and Christians promote anti-science?

There are many secular scientists and atheists who claim that Christians are against science, and even are creating a false science narrative in dealing with creation and origins of life.  The reason for this is that atheists and evolutionists do not like scientific claims that go against their worldview.  They claim that we are biased but so are they, they just refuse to admit their bias.  There is a lot of scientific evidence for intelligent design and science is about exploring concepts and testing them, not ridicule or refusal to look at the findings.  One thing that has been discovered that contradicts evolution is the fossil record.  Currently, there has not been found any “transition” fossils showing evolution of creatures.  However, we do have just about every known animal in fossil form in what is called the Cambrian Explosion.  This suggests that these animals died quickly and at the same time, evidence for the Flood.  By refusing to look at another’s view objectively, evolution has moved past science and into the realm of religion and dogma.


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