If Pangea is not true, then how did the continents form?

When God started the Flood, He caused the earth’s crust to crack that released water from under the earth (Genesis 7:11).  After the waters stopped rising (5 months later; Genesis 8:1-3), God made dry land to appear.  God did so by causing the cracks in the earth’s crust that released the water to created mountains and valleys; the mountains being the dry land and the valleys to send the water from the Flood, creating today's oceans (Psalm 104:5-9).  This can be backed up by geology because all the major mountain ranges on the earth are composed of dormant volcanoes.  Through plate tectonics these volcanoes formed to help build up land masses for Noah, his family, and all living things to live on.


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Did the supercontinent Pangea really exist?