Are any of the “ancestors” of man real?

No, every one of the supposed ancestors of man from evolution have been fabricated, proven to be hoaxes, or twist the information to fit their narrative.  I will spend the next few weeks covering this topic.  First, the remains of Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) were found 2 weeks before the teams funding ran out, only 40% of the skeleton was recovered, most of the bones were broken, was missing hands and feet, a knee joint said to belong to it was found 1.5 miles away and buried 200 feet deeper than Lucy was found.  Artists renderings show Lucy walking like a person, with long legs and short arms.  However, there is not any evidence for any of these things with the bones (they even fill in the missing hands and feet with human characteristics!)  Lucy was more likely a chimp or other small primate and not an ancestor to modern man.

Another example of this is Heidelberg Man.  This was composed of a jawbone found in Heidelberg, Germany in 1907 by Daniel Hartman and a skull found in Africa in 1960 by L.S.B. Leakey and his wife.  The jawbone looks human, just larger.  The skull (missing a jawbone) looks ape.  Hartman was looking for fame, which is why he classified his jawbone as an early species of man.  Leakey just wanted to promote the evolutionary story and made an illogical conclusion about a skull he found.  Since both are nowhere near each other, they cannot be reasonably attributed to the same being.  And without the skull, one just has a jawbone of a very large man.

Another example of this is Australopithecus sediba.  Au. sediba was found in 2008 and published in 2010.  The find is made up of bone fragments of an adult female, juvenile male, and 2 others not published yet.  It is claimed they are an early ancestor to humans, but according to evolutionary dating, they were around at the same time as humans and therefore cannot be a transition.  Scientists get around this by stating generalities and making assumptions without providing any evidence or proof.  The truth is the bones resemble a species of ape without any human characteristics at all; nothing human was found at the site (tools, fire, etc.).  This is just another attempt to turn an ape into a human.

Here are several more attempts evolutionists have made to create the “missing links” needed to support their theory.  Nebraska Man was made from a single tooth that was found in the state in 1922; they created an entire concept of this hominid based on it; it was a pig’s tooth.  Pitldown Man was fabricated by Charles Dawson by combining a human skull and the jawbone of an ape; was disproven after 40 years of lies.  Java Man was constructed from the skull cap of an ape, three human teeth, and a human thigh bone (found a year later, 50 feet away from the rest); Eugene Dubois, who is credited with the discovery, was nowhere to be found when discovered and completed hid 2 human skulls found in same cave for 30 years.


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