Who laid out the Bible and is it correct?

The simplest answer to this question is that God laid out the Bible, and therefore it is correct.  As far as a list of names of men who were used to determine the canon of scripture, this is impossible for us to know.  The term canon refers to what is right or straight; in reference to the Bible, it means those books that are accepted by the Church as authoritative and from God.  The Old Testament canon was set before the time of Christ by the nation of Israel.  There was a council that looked at all available books, but through God’s guidance ended up with the current list.  The New Testament canon was created by the Church and only included works that were of the Apostles and had clear connections to them.  There was an official council that did this, but the canon was already set before 100 AD by local churches.  So, is this correct?  Well, the Bible flows as one cohesive unit, builds upon itself naturally, is able to be cross referenced between books and Testaments, and this with all books being written in a span of about 1400 years by between 34-40 different authors.  So, I would say, yes this is correct and done so through divine guidance and inspiration.


Are there any contradictions in the Bible?


Why is the King James Bible known as the Authorized Version?