Is it a sin to question things in the Bible?

Many people think that if they question things in the Bible that their faith is not strong enough or they are doubting God.  While the Bible does tell us to put our trust in God, it does not tell us to have a blind faith that simply follows because we are told to do so.  We are called to question things, called to seek after answers, and called to search things out (Matthew 7:7).  After we are saved it is crucial for us to dig in and find out why we believe and search out the truth; we need to make our faith real to ourselves (Philippians 2:12).  Anything we ask in the will of God will be set before Him (1 John 5:14-15) and asking for wisdom to understand things will be freely given us (James 1:5).  Don’t feel like questioning things shows a lack of faith, it makes faith stronger.


How does God preserve His Word?


Why do the gospels give accounts of the same events?