How can the Bible be God’s Word if man wrote it?

Even though the Bible was written by men, it was inspired by God through the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).  These men were given what to write by God, not necessarily through dictation (because their writing styles still were able to come through) but through the remembrance of events, God actually telling them to write certain things, or through special revelations (like visions).  The Bible was written in about a 1600 year period and all 66 books flow and read as one; if God was not involved there would be no way this could have happened.  Also God has promised to preserve His Word forever (Psalm 12:6-7).  So even though the Bible was written by men, God has played a much larger role in its composition and preservation.


Is the Bible scientifically accurate?


How can we trust that the Bible is accurate and true?