How can we trust that the Bible is accurate and true?

There are many people who think that the Bible is just a man-made book and that it is full of errors and cannot be trusted.  However, these people are the ones that are in error.  The Bible is recorded history and shows how God entered the history of man to redeem them back to Him.  We have many historical evidences and everything uncovered by archeologists shows the Bible’s accuracy within history.  Through archeology we have found the city of Nineveh, the Hittite people, and the Hezekiah tunnel.  Also, the Bible speaks of its own accuracy.  God has preserved His Word throughout time (Psalm 12:6-7), that it is inspired by God Himself (2 Timothy 3:16), and that it will last forever (Matthew 5:18).  There are many reasons for why we can trust the Bible, but our main reason is that it is the Word of God.


How can the Bible be God’s Word if man wrote it?