Is there a literal Hell for those who do not accept Christ?

There is a big movement, from not only lost people but Christians as well, trying to state that Hell is not a real place.  Many state that a loving God would not send anyone to Hell, while others try to argue that the concept of Hell was created in the Middle Ages to try to control the populace.  However, the Bible does teach of a literal Hell and Lake of Fire.  Jesus mentions Hell 15 times, alludes to it several other times, and in Matthew 25:41 describes the Lake of Fire as a place and in verse 46 states it is everlasting.  2 Peter 2:4 states the reality of Hell and the Lake of Fire (awaiting judgment).  The word Hell is used 31 times in the scriptures and Isaiah 66:24 describes the eternal punishment much like Jesus does (Mark 9:44). And Revelation 20:11-15 also describe the final judgment of the lost in detail, showing that Hell and Death will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Those who claim that Hell and the Lake of Fire are not real are trying to create a false god unto themselves and avoid the judgment of God Almighty.  Hell is a real place and the Lake of Fire is everlasting.


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