Did Adam get to go to Heaven?

Most Christians love reading about the creation account in Genesis.  Because of this, there are many people who may think that Adam went right on to Heaven because he was the first person created by God.  However, if one searches through the Bible, there is nothing recorded or even mentioning that Adam ever repented and turned back to God after sinning against Him.  In Hebrews 11 the first person we see that has faith in God is Adam’s son Abel (v. 4).  When Jesus gives a rundown of all the prophets that were slain, He starts with Abel as well (Matthew 23:35).  Furthermore, any time Adam’s name is mentioned it is usually in a negative context, stating Adam as the reason for sin, death, judgment, and condemnation (Romans 5:14-17; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22).  The fact is, according to the Bible, Adam never repented and sought after God for spiritual salvation so he is in Hell.


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