What was Abraham’s bosom?

In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) Jesus mentions a place called Abraham’s bosom.  There has been much speculation about this place over the years.  What we do know from scripture that is that it was in the heart of the earth like Hell (Luke 16:23).  We also know that each could see the other but neither could get to the other due to a gulf placed between them (Luke 16:26).  Whether or not people could truly communicate back and forth is questioned, even though the rich man and Abraham could in the parable.  Abraham’s bosom was a place of rest for those who followed God before Jesus died on the cross (Luke 16:25).  After Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day those in Abraham’s bosom went to Heaven, finally having their sins paid for by the Son of God (Hebrews 10:12).


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