Is being tempted a sin?

Temptation is a desire for something that is usually wrong.  Being tempted with things is not a sin, giving in to temptations, however, is.  The reason why we know that being tempted is not a sin is due to the fact that Jesus was tempted while He lived on the earth, yet He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15).  Everyone is tempted with something and, while frustrating, is not wrong within itself.  Making the choice to go along with the temptation and doing whatever it is, that is sin.  Man is tempted when we allow ourselves to be carried away by our flesh and if we are not strong in God’s will, we will sin (James 1:14).  We need to remember to stay close to God and we will have victory over the temptations of our flesh and the devil (James 4:7-8).


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