Are there degrees of sin?

This is kind of a tricky question because it has a yes and no answer.  We will start with the no first.  According to the Bible every sin is equal in damning a person to Hell.  If you just commit one sin throughout your whole life, then that is breaking God’s law and shows unrighteousness (James 2:10).  So, from the standpoint as to is there a sin that will send someone to Hell, without Jesus any sin will do so, and we are all guilty of sin (Romans 3:23).  However, God does have a standard of judgment.  Jesus spoke of a greater damnation for those who are false teachers (Matthew 23:13-15).  Also, in Revelation 20:12 we see that the lost will be judged by their works and be cast into the lake of fire.  This alludes to different levels of punishment as well.


What is the unpardonable sin?


Since we are saved by grace, does that mean that we can sin whenever we want?