Where was Jesus when He heard the news about Lazarus being sick?

For this we need to look at the last few verses of John 10.  Here we see that after Jesus identified Himself as the Son of God and the Jews wanted to kill Him that He went beyond the Jordan to where John the Baptist first preached (John 10:39-40).  This is the location of Jesus when He hears about Lazarus.  It is important to also note that His journey to see Lazarus corresponds to His last trip to Jerusalem, going through Jericho, seeing Zacchaeus, and healing blind men (Luke 18-19; Mark 10:46-52).  The reason for this link is the question about the Jews seeking to kill Jesus (John 11:8; Mark 10:32-34).  So Jesus was across the Jordan when He heard about Lazarus and as He traveled to raise him from the dead He went through Jericho, His disciples fearing their supposed upcoming death.


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