Is there any evidence for Jesus as a historical figure?

Yes, there is plenty of evidence that Jesus existed within history, even outside of the Bible.  Tacitus (55-120 AD) was a Roman historian and briefly wrote of Jesus.  He stated that Jesus lived, was executed by Pilate during the reign of Tiberius, and that Christianity started in Judea and made it to Rome.  Another example is Lucian of Samosata (125-180 AD) who was a Greek satirist.  He wrote that Jesus was executed by crucifixion, founded Christianity, and was worshipped by His followers.  Josephus (1st century AD) was a Roman-Jewish historian who also wrote about Jesus.  He stated that Jesus was executed by Pilate, that He performed miracles, taught many people, and that His followers said He rose again.  There are many other evidences of Jesus within history, but these three should suffice (Deuteronomy 19:15).


Were the wise men at the manger when Jesus was born?


What does Psalm 2:7 mean stating that Jesus is begotten?