How can we show that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man?

There are many references to the fact that Jesus is God within the Bible (John 1:1 for example).  There are also many references to the fact that Jesus was a man within the Bible as well (Matthew 4:1-2 for example).  And there are some references to Jesus being both completely God and completely man.  He had to sleep, showing He was human, but He also calmed the storm, showing He is God (Matthew 8:24-26).  He also got tired but knew the woman at the well’s past (John 4:6, 16-18).  Jesus got hungry but was able to curse a fig tree so it would die as well (Matthew 21:18-19).  Jesus wept but raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:35, 44-45).  All these show that Jesus was human while on the earth, but He was also God (Philippians 2:5-8).


Did Jesus help everyone while on the earth?


Is Jesus God?