Why did God rest of the 7th day?

God did not need to rest of the 7th day of creation, so why did He do it?  There are a couple of reasons that we can gather from scripture.  First of all, God created the 7th day so that we would acknowledge that we need to rest from time to time.  He forced the Jews to do this as part of their covenant with Him at Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:8-11).  Today it is not required of us to do so (Colossians 2:16).  The second reason is that this was a picture of God’s ultimate rest for mankind in Heaven (Hebrews 4).  If we would forget trying to earn salvation and accept the free gift that Jesus has provided to us, then we can enter into this rest and rejoice forevermore (Hebrews 4:10,16).


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