Does God tempt people?

In Genesis 22:1 it says that God tempted Abraham.  However, in James 1:13 it says that God tempts no man.  So which is it?  Context is key to know what is being said in each verse.  In James it is speaking of being tempted to sin or being tempted with evil.  God cannot be tempted in this way and therefore He will not tempt us with evil or sin.  In Genesis the word tempted, while having the same connotation, has a different meaning.  Here it refers more to a test set forth or an enticement to see what Abraham would do.  While many would think that killing your child as a sacrifice would be considered evil, God was not going to allow it to happen; and He didn’t (Genesis 22:11-12).  God does not tempt us to do evil, but He will test us to see if we are truly devoted to Him or not.


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