If God is jealous, does that mean that He sinned?

In Galatians 5:19-20 in most Bibles, the word jealousy is found in the list of works of the flesh.  However, in Exodus 34:14 God says that He is a jealous God.  Some would argue that God sinned when comparing these scriptures.  Unfortunately for most translations, jealousy is not the best translation of the Galatians text.  The KJV uses the word emulation which means trying to be equal or surpass another that is successful or admired; to be successful in comparison to another.  The various definitions of jealous are:  feeling bitter or unhappy about another’s advantages, influence, or luck; feeling suspicious about a rivals influence on a loved one; possessively watchful of something; demanding exclusive loyalty.  The word envy is used in Galatians 5:21 which means basically the first definition of jealous.  However, the first definition was not always placed there but as alternative meanings.  Jealous in Exodus is referring to the last 3 definitions of the word.  God does not sin and this is a problem created by certain versions of the Bible.


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