Does God’s love have a limit?

God’s love is clearly demonstrated throughout the Bible.  God loved mankind enough to send Jesus to die for their sin even though man doesn’t deserve it (John 3:16; Romans 5:8).  The only way we truly know what love is, is because of God’s love towards us (1 John 4:19).  Paul states that God’s love surpasses all else and that if we are saved nothing in Heaven or on Earth can separate us from it (Romans 8:37-39).  We also see that God’s love is patient and that He endures our sin so people can be saved (2 Peter 3:9).  However, the Bible does state that those who constantly reject Him and vehemently deny Him will be handed over to a reprobate mindset (Romans 1:28).  While God’s love is a deep well offered to mankind, if a person rejects Him long enough that love will no longer be offered to them.


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