What does it mean to be perfect like God?

Within the Bible we see the word perfect quite a bit.  Many today hold the word perfect to be sinless, but this is not what the Bible’s definition of perfect is.  According to the Bible the word perfect means complete, mature, or whole.  Examples of this include Noah being perfect in his generations (Genesis 6:9), when God told Abram to walk before Him and be perfect (Genesis 17:1), needing a perfect and just weight in business (Deuteronomy 25:15), and there are many more.  In reference to God, we are to be complete, mature, and whole in Him.  Once we are saved, we are to grow closer to God.  As we do this, we become mature Christians (no longer remaining babes in Christ) and we find ourselves complete and whole through God.  So don’t worry when the Bible tells us to be perfect, this isn’t sinless (the Bible says that Jesus was the only One Who was sinless and that we are all sinners), it is meaning for us to grow in Christ and strengthen our fellowship with Him.


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