Is there any evidence for the exodus?

While many in the fields of archeology and history may claim there is not any evidence for a historic exodus as found in the Bible, there is plenty of it to go around.  The first problem is that these scholars are looking for it in all the wrong places and time frame.  If we look at the 12th and 13th dynasties of Egypt then we see some of the following:  a Semitic vizier who was second in command, destruction of Egypt through various torments (including the Nile turning to blood), a Semitic slave population with names that correlate to Biblical names, and if we look on the other side of the Sinai peninsula in the Red Sea there are Egyptian chariots that are on the sea floor.  These are just a few of the evidences that the exodus of Israel from Egypt occurred, and research will turn up more.


Did the Israelites really cross the Red Sea during the Exodus?