What on earth is going on with the dry bones in Ezekiel?

The vision of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 sounds like something from a horror movie today.  The valley is full of old, dry bones and then, suddenly, they all start reforming and gaining tissue, organs, flesh, etc. and become full, living people again.  This vision is in reference to God’s salvation of Israel at the end of the Tribulation Period and the beginning of the Millennial Reign.  This is seen throughout the book of Hebrews (particularly in chapter 4) and Romans 11.  God is going to keep His promises to Israel and is going save them from their enemies in the future.  There are many things that must happen before this can take place, and when it is going to happen, no one knows, but we know that God’s promise is sure and true and it will occur (Titus 1:2).


What is the meaning of Revelation 11:2?