Where is the location of Sheba?

The story of the Queen of Sheba is known by most Christians but many question just where Sheba was located.  Some state that it was in Ethiopia and that this would explain the eunuch that Phillip witnessed to (Acts 8:26-40); Ethiopia can refer to either the country of Africa or a section of the Arabian Peninsula that carried the name as well. We know that Jesus says that she came from the south (Matthew 12:42).  We also know that she had a great wealth of camels, spices, gold, and precious stones (1 Kings 10:1-2).  With this knowledge archeologists began looking in the Arabian Peninsula for answers.  In the modern country of Yemen there has been evidence to support that this is ancient Sheba, the only problem is political unrest in the area and sandstorms recovering their work once they are forced to leave.


Where is the land of Shinar?