Will Heaven be a manifestation of things we enjoy on earth?

Many think that Heaven will be filled with whatever they enjoy doing while living on earth, such as racing, fishing, reading, etc.  However this concept is not Biblical and is actually false.  While it is ok to enjoy doing these things while we are alive on earth, Heaven is going to be so amazing that it will overshadow these things and make them insignificant.  The biggest part of our living in Heaven will be praising God and our Savior Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9-12).  It is hard for us to imagine what Heaven will be like and many may try to associate it with worldly pleasures, but the truth is that our minds cannot comprehend what God has in store for us once we are there (1 Corinthians 2:9).


Why does the Bible talk about a third heaven?


Does God pick and choose who is going to Heaven?