When you die is there a place called the gulf?  If you go to hell can a person from heaven come and minister to that person?

When a person dies during this age they will go to heaven or hell.  But before Jesus died on the cross for mankind’s sins people could not go to heaven yet.  Those who followed and believed God went to paradise or Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16:22).  Both Abraham’s bosom and hell were within the same proximity, but there was a gulf that separated them and no one could go back and forth between them (Luke 16:26).  When Jesus died and rose again those in Abraham’s bosom went to heaven, like we do today.  Those who are in heaven still cannot go to those in hell, but there is no gulf between these two because they are in different places.  Jesus tells us that there will be no relief for those in hell and that their thirst will never be quenched (Mark 9:44-45).  So there is no longer a gulf and a person cannot go back and forth between heaven and hell.


If a person in Hell repents and believes in God can that person enter Heaven?


Will we be able to recognize and know our loved ones when we get to Heaven?