Will we be able to recognize and know our loved ones when we get to Heaven?

This is a worry that we do not need to have.  We will know our loved ones, and probably everyone else in Heaven as well.  There will be differences though.  We all will have new bodies (Philippians 3:21) and we will not look exactly the same as we do now.  We will be without sin in Heaven and will be glorified in Christ.  When Jesus rose again from the dead His identity was not fully known to some of His closest followers right away (John 20:14, Luke 24:15-16).  However, even though we will look a little different we will be in the presence of God, and we will have full understanding of everything going on in Heaven and God will allow us to know those around us.


When you die is there a place called the gulf?  If you go to hell can a person from heaven come and minister to that person?