Is Saint Peter waiting for everyone at the gates of Heaven?

There is literally nothing in the Bible that would ever support the idea that Saint Peter sits at the gates of Heaven to let people in.  The idea that Peter sits at the gate of Heaven was started by the Roman Catholic Church roughly 1000 years ago to promote the idea that Peter was above the other disciples.  It also de-emphasizes the fact that it is really through Jesus Christ that we are allowed into Heaven.  This idea places Peter above our Lord and Savior, and that should not be so.  Jesus said that He is the door (John 10:7,9), He is the only way to God (John 14:6), and it is through His blood that we enter Heaven (Revelation 1:5-6).  Remember Jesus is to have the preeminence, because He is the only one worthy of our praise (Colossians 1:18).


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