Modern Day Parable

Sometimes the simplest things can create the most profound meaning and explain things. Jesus used parables which are life stories to describe things of God. We can use parables today too to help explain things of God but must do it carefully. The other day I was thinking about something and thought of a parable to describe God, maybe you’ve shared the same thought but I feel it’s good to share.

Let’s consider a lightbulb. It took about 1,000 times to make it correctly but once it was made it changed the world forever. The idea is fairly simple, but it needs all the parts to work properly.  You need a base to put the bulb into, the silver cap that is what grounds the bulb. What about us? What grounds us? What keeps us going?

You can buy lightbulbs all day long but no matter how man you buy they won’t fulfill their purpose without a power source, electricity.  


Missed Opportunity

