If we are saved then why are we still sinners?

Once we have accepted the work of Christ to pay for our sin we are saved.  However, as many would admit, we still sin.  The reason is that we are still living in a sinful and broken world (Romans 8:22) and we are still living in this sinful body (Romans 3:10-11, 23).  Because of these things we are still sinners.  But God has not left us without help.  After we were saved the Holy Spirit came and dwells within us (1 Corinthians 6:19) and teaches us in the ways of God (1 Corinthians 2:11-12).  We have the power to overcome sin and are no longer its slaves (Romans 6).  Every day is a battle between our flesh and the Holy Spirit with us in the middle trying to do what God wants us to do (Romans 7).  We will never be sinless here on earth (1 John 1:8) but we have the ability to obey God once we are saved. So, yes while we are still sinners after we are saved, we do have the power to overcome sin within our lives and live in holiness to God.


Do I have to repent of my sins in order to be saved?