Should we as Christians celebrate holidays?

The word holiday is a combination of the words “holy day.”  These were originally designed as days of worship of a deity of some type.  Today the word simply means a day of celebration that may or may not have a religious context (although most holidays do have some type of religious undertones).  In celebrating these holidays, the Bible states that it is pretty much up to each Christian to determine if they want to honor a holy day or not (Colossians 2:16).  If a Christian believes that it is alright to honor a holy day that should not be a problem; but if another Christian believes celebrating that holy day is wrong, that should be alright as well.  Neither should look down on the other for their convictions and how they are directed by the Holy Spirit.  We may not agree on holidays, but we can agree on loving each other.


What is the origin of the Christmas holiday?