Does the Bible support the rapture?

While the word rapture is not found in the Bible itself, the fact of it is seen many times over in the New Testament.  Paul states that we all will not die, but we all will be changed very quickly and that we will put on incorruption and immortality (1 Corinthians 15:51-54).  He also states that the dead in Christ will rise first and that we will be caught up in the air with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).  The reason for this is that we are not appointed unto the wrath that God has laid in store upon this earth during the Tribulation (1Thessalonians 5:9).  This is why Paul encourages us to watch and keep working for Jesus because our salvation from this world is nearer than when we first believed (Romans 13:11); however we just do not know when this is going to take place.


If a Jew is saved today, when the Jews inherit the earth in the end times, will those who are saved today still inherit the earth being Jews?