Did God create animals to be deadly?

God created most of the land animals on day 6 right before He created man (Genesis 1:24-25).  However, the animals were not vicious, nor were they meat eaters, when God created them (Genesis 1:30).  All animals originally ate plants and many still do.  There is a misconception that sharp teeth means meat eater, however there are many animals today that have sharp teeth but eat plants (a panda’s main food is bamboo).  Animals did not start being meat eaters until after the fall, and maybe not until after God allowed man to eat them (Genesis 9:2-3).  Another thing is that God did not make animals poisonous originally either.  The climate on earth was different at creation than today.  If you put a poisonous snake in a hypobaric chamber increase the oxygen and double the magnetism it will no longer be so.  Remember God created everything perfect and good and that was to way it originally was; it wasn’t until the fall of man that everything began going bad.


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