Is the idea of separation of church and state against God?

Many people in the U.S. claim to not want to follow the idea of separation of church and state within our government.  Many people claim that the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation and therefore Christianity should play a dominate role in the government.  While this phrase is not actually in the 1st Amendment, the concept is there within the establishment clause.  This was put into the Constitution because since its founding, the Roman Catholic Church has been in control of governments all across Europe.  Also, those governments forced people to worship as Catholics or be sent to prison or killed.  The Church of England, who broke from the Catholic Church, did so as well.  The Founding Fathers did not want the government to be controlled by religion, nor did they want the government to control religion.  We as Christians should not get “political” in many regards, but pray for our leaders and pray for a peaceful existence in service to our Lord (1 Timothy 2:1-4).


What were some of the characteristics of the early church?


What is the meaning behind 1 Corinthians 12:8-11?