Was the account of the adulterous woman originally in John’s Gospel?

There are many people, including Christians, who claim that this story was not in the original manuscript of the Gospel of John.  Their reasoning is that the earliest manuscripts do not contain this account.  Of the around 5600 manuscripts (wholes and fragments) roughly 97% bear no witness to either the Gospel of John or even the chapters in which the account is contained and therefore cannot be used to deny that it was not there.  Of the remaining 3%, roughly 99% of these manuscripts contain the passage.  Of the 7 uncials:  1 contains it, 2 openly omit it (by leaving a blank space), 2 are missing these entire sections, and 2 are so corrupt that they fail to agree with each other, let alone any other manuscript that we have.  The reason this passage is omitted is that people took it out because they felt it did not punish adultery enough (Augustine of Hippo admitted this in c. 419 AD).  So yes this account was originally in John’s Gospel.


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