What do angels look like?

Most people think of angels as being winged beings who sit on clouds and play harps in Heaven.  However, this is not what the Bible says that angels look like.  Angels always appeared as men (Genesis 18:2), have the voices of men (Daniel 8:16), and do not have wings.  The only winged beings in Heaven are cherubim (Ezekiel 1:8) and seraphim (Isaiah 6:2; Revelation 4:8).  Angels can fly however (Revelation 14:6), but wings are not required for flight.  Angels could also eat (Genesis 18:8) and could touch people (Genesis 19:16).  Some even had the power to cause people to go blind (Genesis 19:11)!  Angels are Heavenly beings, but according to the Bible they are not the fairy tale that the world has made them to be.


Are angels real?


Who are the sons of God found in Genesis 6:1-4?