Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

Bootheel Bible Ministries comes from the Bootheel of Missouri to provide Christians with the tools to defend their faith and strengthen their fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to educate the Church through the authoritative Word of God, placing nothing above what God has said in His Bible.

We are primarily an apologetics based ministry. Apologetics is defending the Christian faith from attacks that try to discredit God’s Word and cause the Church to doubt their faith. We attempt to answer all questions that people may have about the Christian faith, attacks against it, or what certain scriptures mean.

Many answers to many questions can be found by looking in the I Wanna Know… section; but if there is something you would like answered and you cannot find it there, please contact us and we will do our best to answer the question. (It may also be uploaded to the site and all questions are anonymous, so please do not be afraid to reach out; we don’t have all the answers, but we can certainly find them out!)

We also offer several seminars that can be found on the Seminars page of this site that include:

  • Creation vs. Evolution

  • Biblical Archaeology

  • Dinosaurs and God’s Word

  • Manuscript Evidence

  • Dispensations

  • And so much more.

Make sure to check out the Events page to see if a seminar is going to be hosted near you!

We also want to strengthen the fellowship that our brothers and sisters have with God and with each other. The devotionals found in Kalli’s Korner are designed to get the reader to think about God’s Word and to apply it to their life in a meaningful way.

We would also like the chance to pray for you and to offer you the chance to pray for others in our Prayer Warriors section. You can state your prayer requests here, making them as detailed or simple as you would like. We do ask that you help us pray for others as they are praying for you.

We pray that you will receive a blessing through our content and that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified through the our continual work in reaching others for Him.

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